Chuck's Challenge

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Chuck's Challenge is a video game create by Niffler an independent games company.


Chuck's Challenge is a puzzle game that walks through the evolution of gaming: move from A to B, collect items, the red key opens the red door, etc. But, like Lego, knowing what each piece does is only the beginning of the game’s fun, as the players can also create and share their own levels using a simple paint-style interface.

The game starts with Chuck finding he has been summoned by an alien called Woop to create video games for them to play. The game includes over 100 levels (including 25 free) to tease the brain and challenge the fingers, an intuitive level editor so that players can create and share levels.


Chuck's Challenge iOS was released in December 2012 and works on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Since then Niffler has been refining the game and the backend. Currently in development is a Unity3D version of Chuck's Challenge that is being developed to run on PC and Mac OS. This Unity3D version will also be in 3D, hence why the name of this version is Chuck’s Challenge 3D.

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